Thursday, May 05, 2005


Upon the air, the spirit moves
between this world
and the next...
the breath of God

A quiet breeze rustles through the trees
a whispered wish
a hush of heartful prayer upon
the air, again I kneel for peace

The path is worn, the fringes torn
my master leads me on as
my weary eyes...
begin to fall

Again, once more, again I follow
again I fall, again I stumble

The restless wind will ever fill
my lungs, torment of waking dreams
Oh, love... oh light
I wait for want of you


Upon the air, the spirit
so fair, carries a
message to my
wakeful ear of
mystery's cry

Heaven is present in
the encircling wind
where the voice of
God can be touched...
and held

I listen upon the air
I wait for answers there
Oh spirit, oh master
I am naught beside you
Teach me to know
how knowing is for you

Lend me your heart
that I might suckle
upon the wisdom
of the ages

Held so close to your eye
drawing me nigh and nigh

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