Saturday, November 19, 2005

Most people will spend their
entire life trying to forget
trying not to feel
trying to run from the truth

TV, work, politics, religion,
kids, family, Wal-mart, hobbies,
time.... the days of our lives
filled up with junk, space, distance
between you and reality

And most people would rather sit in their
own filth than to wake up and do something
about all the time and money they've
spent on trying to forget

We are all dreamers, dreaming a life
that isn't really our own
commercials, shoes, flashing vanity, stuff
more stuff, crap for your crap

And honestly, I think it's time
time for truth, time for reality
time to wake up, snap out of it
stand on our own two feet

the world's not gonna change
with all of us accepting things
the way they are... like limp bodies
trying to clap at the end of a performance
we didn't really like

turn off your TV
forget your politics
I'm not interested in your
imaginary gossip, drama,
or how your parents didn't
love you enough

snap out of it... you are the only person
the ONLY PERSON here, right now
and its up to you to change
and in turn, to change the world

This world is but your looking glass
your thoughts are your commands
to this dynamic medium
called life

Most people are afraid of their own power
their own free will

Freedom is a dream that few
ever really actualize
they are frightened of what they might see
of what they might do

We are all born, masters of our own reality
until life's lessons teach us to close up,
to hide our love, to forget who we really are

remembering can be a painful process,
doing what others fear is a lonely path
but i'd rather be alone and free
than befriended and blind

Friday, August 19, 2005

my best

happy, giddy, and free

laughing and giggling with glee

the best day of our life, together

books for ten bucks

and clothing for cheap

holy abundance of spirit

and calming patient debate

where I find my comfort

you are my best

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I want to say something... real
I want to give you something to... feel
and I want to speak my words
across the waves of space
between you and me

I want you to hear
with more than just your ears
I want you to hear
beyond my words
into the depths of my fears

I want us to connect
on a level higher than conscious thought
I want the world to unite
for the unseen to become real

I want.

or maybe that's just what I feel...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

nothing new lately....

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Upon the air, the spirit moves
between this world
and the next...
the breath of God

A quiet breeze rustles through the trees
a whispered wish
a hush of heartful prayer upon
the air, again I kneel for peace

The path is worn, the fringes torn
my master leads me on as
my weary eyes...
begin to fall

Again, once more, again I follow
again I fall, again I stumble

The restless wind will ever fill
my lungs, torment of waking dreams
Oh, love... oh light
I wait for want of you


Upon the air, the spirit
so fair, carries a
message to my
wakeful ear of
mystery's cry

Heaven is present in
the encircling wind
where the voice of
God can be touched...
and held

I listen upon the air
I wait for answers there
Oh spirit, oh master
I am naught beside you
Teach me to know
how knowing is for you

Lend me your heart
that I might suckle
upon the wisdom
of the ages

Held so close to your eye
drawing me nigh and nigh

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

nothing special

the ordinary is all i know
the regular is my reality

my skin is what i feel
my surface, my shallow regret

memory gives me wisdom
memory weighs on my chest

today is perfect now
today is all i have

regret only lost time
regret only the forgotten

held within a moment
held upon a choice

master of the ordinary
master of regular

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I wait...

Eyes open to feel
Mouth shut to hear

Feet stand to move
Hands open to give

Ear listen for God
Heart beating for love

Mind quiet for peace
Soul afire for heaven

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Bad Dream

leather jacket black
stab friend back

sweat alley run
shadow hide gun

ladder climb safety
cops sirens chase-me

sewers sink soggy
rats bite foggy

sanity fade mind
night crawl bind

forgotten maggot figure
lost disgust obscure

death depression decay
justice done in-a-way

Thursday, April 07, 2005


You awaken to the morning sun
as it dances upon the walls of your room
and illuminates the air around you...

Held in this space, on the threshold
between two worlds, the thought of
further sleep tempts your eyes to fall

Your mindlingers on this thought
as a wisp of cool air brushes your face
from the cracked window above your head

The air awakens new sensations within your mind
and you draw a deeper breath
to taste that sweet cool spirit within your lungs

The breath reaches to the core
and you feel your pulse quicken
as the fresh air infiltrates your blood

You throw off your covers
and your skin is tickled by the cool air
and warmed by the morning light

You reach your feet in time to feel
your head rush, like a river's hush
as your legs remember how to walk
and your lips remember how to thirst

The radiant dawn blankets your naked skin
and you stand there for a moment
letting your mind float just beyond your skin

Wandering to the shower
the thought of breakfast grasps your stomach
and hunger itches at your taste buds

As you step into the shower
the warm water opens your lungs
and you drift through the clouds of your thoughts

Precious are the moments when life seems to hang
upon a golden stream of sun, come to rest
within the confines of one's own home

Holy are the minutes found within
the fleating morning's glow
when body and mind can dance
amidst the ethereal mists

And sacred is the time that
your mind is allowed to wander
in blissfull meditation and dream
within this lucid realm of your mind

shower, off
towel, dry
clothes, dress
breakfast, eat
coffee, drink
keys, pocket
jacket, door.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Just One

I want justice.
I want the weak to be free.
I want justice.
I want the wrongs to be seen.
I want justice.
I want the world to decree
no more hate, no more war
only peace and serenity.

But I am just one, my voice seldom heard,
a pawn in life's game, my passion, my word.

I long for peace.
I long for my heart to smile.
I long for peace.
I long for heaven to linger, a while.
I long for peace.
I long for the world to reconcile
the differances with radical acceptance
to save our human heart, so fragile.

But I am just one, my voice seldom heard,
a pawn in life's game, my passion, my word.

Today I hope
for the weak to find strength.
Today I hope
for the wrongs to find truth.
Today I hope
for the world to find faith,
the last spark of sanity,
lost within fear's aftermath.

But I am just one, my voice seldom heard,
a pawn in life's game, my passion, my word.

I wait for love,
for the hatred of the world to mend.
I wait for love,
for the choice that God would lend.
I wait for love,
for the dark nightmare of the soul to end,
no more fear, no more night,
for beauty's source to transcend.

But I am just one, my voice seldom heard,
a pawn in life's game, my passion, my word.

I am a child of grace.
I speak God's heart with human tongue.
I am a child of grace.
I search for the forgotten song, unsung.
I am a child of grace,
for I am worthy to stand among,
the giants and master's of love,
to always remain forever young.

But I am just one, my voice seldom heard,
a pawn in life's game, my passion, my word.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Third Eye

Holding on... to one

Breathing all the ether...

Taking in the time

Focus on the now...

holding on... to one

I AM and I feel...

so cold and alone...

Just me, in the space

Just free, and awake

Letting go...

Letting flow...

My head begins to burn...

an eye opens to the world,


and now all is here

a universe held in a moment...

eternity found in my mind

my third eye is open,

the flower has blossomed

and God is talking to me...


Friday, March 11, 2005

How to Deal

When facing your fears...

and life seems to fall away...

remember who you are...

and you'll know what to say...

When you've lost your way...

and only strangeness surrounds you...

remember to listen...

to your own heart beating...

When your fists are clenched...

and your teeth are gnashing...

remember to breath...

and to drop your shoulders...

When your heart breaks...

and all grief comes pouring...

forget all you know...

and just let it go...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Lucid Dream

Upon the horizon,

I see a flame.

Deep with in my heart,

a spark is struck.

Holy and untamed,

the rushing wind is in me.

Far above,

my thoughts will linger.

To take in the fire,

to live by my heart's desire.

For all things turn,

and all days end.

But some things shine,

the heart, the soul, the mind.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Summertime (my version)

when the days are lazy
june bugs skippin'
across an amber sky

Oh, your stomach's full
and you've had a'plenty of wine
So rest, my baby, you'll be fine

One of these mornings
You're gonna rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
and you'll take to the sky

And on that morning
there's a'nothing can harm you
so hush, my baby, you're alright

original version, by G. Gershwin

And the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high

Your daddy's rich
And your mamma's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't you cry

One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And you'll take to the sky

But till that morning
There's a'nothing can harm you
With daddy and mamma standing by

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Down at the heart of this
in dusty confusion, lay
an unturned stone, amidst
the wretched pain, dismay

Forgotten fortunes rot
as blindness satisfies
the lonely silence, fought
soul and heart, despised

Oh turn your face upon me
give your child another chance
hold my faults, not against me
pray, give my soul another glance

For I am lost, I am unfound
I yearn for comfort, for peaceful days
I fall upon my guilt dust upon the ground
to claw my misery, into a distant haze

Cry havoc, cry pain
Cry suffer, another sprain
Upon me heap, the midnight mane
of nature’s smirk, the devil, lurks

The trap has sprung, I am undone
I have no favor, to lend
And in my heart, my human smart
the unholy fire, begins to burn

Long days are spent
Upon the horrors, meant
In hallowed halls,
where my love was spurned

Give hope a wistful thought
hold love above dismay
pray, bend your will upon us
pray, delay yet another day

Down where the heart is mist
in musty delusion, preys
a furtive bloke, a witful twist
with eyes, that hold a hollow glaze

Unknown to culture’s stain
this hermit’s deeds, unseen
is merely spawn, a longing pain
a humble guise, pristine

And now, alas, comes freedom
a down black chasms fear
my heart is empty, numb
my human life, a smear

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Hidden in my loins of anger
Creeping through my gut of danger
Clenched on my heart of stone
And speaking, underbreath... alone...

There lurks a devil in disguise.

Hidden in my steps misguided
Creeping through my paths unwinded
Clenched on my love, my heart
And speaking, underneath,.. my part
in my words and actions,.. dig a hole...

There preys a devil on my soul.

Only light can save me,
only love who gave me
a life, a home, and a passion
in my soul...

Oh, EGO.... let me go!!!

Friday, January 28, 2005

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

A Mountain Of Fog

The fog surrounds the awoken mind with comfort and dream...
The day light filtered through this veil of vapor and evanescence...

Climbing up a mountain of fog, breathing in the spirit abreath...
Heaving my worn body up to the top, step by step my heart quickens...

Pushed by will and desire, tugged by vision and thought...
Holding my soul on a breath, here in this mist I drift...

Forever my God speaks to me, and today at least I listen...
Grace to bring me to my knees, and power to shatter my pride...

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Throw open the flood gates
Throw down with the best

Come out swinging and bite
the bullet with me

Sky blue, tantric orange
peel back the pages
of my life

Take notice and heed this
warning that I say

Fallen down, a spiral of fault
selling a lie, not mine

Forbid fruit of the garden
in my pocket, out the back door
with no plan in store

Caress your fears, coddle my ego
with poison and comforting regret

Carry this secret with you
in the lynchpin of blame
that weighs your heart
down amist the fog of hell

Salient guilt trips
lying ahead in the road

Broad sided character
Licked by the rest

Stop the press
more is less?

The train is on the track
broke my mother's back
because I couldn't
pick up the slack

fortunes are squandered
not all who are lost
will wander

forgotten by the sun
glistening gun
I'm undone